“Motivation is what gets you started.
Commitment is what keeps you going.” – Jim Rohn
Committing to a plan of action that perpetuates change is always a struggle, assuming we can even decide on what to commit to.
However, commitment is the first step to any change in life we seek.
With boostbyjax, you’ll first learn how to make the right commitment ensuring that you make change stick and you develop a daily habit.
“The most important things in life are the connections you make with others.” – Tom Ford
Connecting to a group of women on a journey of change
ensures you’ll feel seen , heard and valued as deep bonds are formed.
The positive energy in the groups means no judgement and all engagement leaves you feeling energized and ready to achieve your short term goals and long term commitments.
boostbyjax whatsapp groups provide a safe space to engage, motivate and understand our struggles to make change in our lives!
“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new” -Socrates
Change is sought but radical transformation is what we get when change sets in.
Our original identity is transformed into the new identity we sought.
No day is the same so change is synonymous with life really.
boostbyjax reinforces change by focusing on what we can be done daily rather than advocating for sweeping changes that most people struggle to hold onto.
Get active daily
Eat better daily
Plan daily
Save Daily
Numbers daily
A "done for you" guide is available to help you. A small, intimate group of women making change together!
How to achieve the change we are looking for comes from within so the guide only serves to pinpoint your existing capabilities.
The small groups engage you, motivate you , ensuring you feel safe and understood whilst you make a small or big change in your life.
boostbyjax provides a connection to women wanting the same change as you so you get to impact the lives of others as well as yours!
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